I finally replaced our air dryer for preventive maintenance. Turned out to be a relatively simple project for me only requiring fairly basic tools.
Our Champion came equipped with the Bendix AD9 air dryer. Seems to be a very solid reliable unit, just needs occasional maintenance to keep it going for many years. Ours was of unknown age, probably original 1992 vintage so I figured a whole new one was in order as I am trying to be VERY preventive maintenance oriented.
Fleetpride Heavy Duty Truck & Trailer Parts has a great inventory of parts that work on our Spartan Chassis. I got their house brand AD9 for about $130 on sale. It is a brand new unit, not remanufactured. Hopefully it's as good as the original Bendix! Time will tell, I'll keep you posted.
Our Champion came equipped with the Bendix AD9 air dryer. Seems to be a very solid reliable unit, just needs occasional maintenance to keep it going for many years. Ours was of unknown age, probably original 1992 vintage so I figured a whole new one was in order as I am trying to be VERY preventive maintenance oriented.
Fleetpride Heavy Duty Truck & Trailer Parts has a great inventory of parts that work on our Spartan Chassis. I got their house brand AD9 for about $130 on sale. It is a brand new unit, not remanufactured. Hopefully it's as good as the original Bendix! Time will tell, I'll keep you posted.